23 September Information Flash


The Work Instrument

At this moment, we have one and one thing only in our hands: the Work Instrument and a series of worksheets with which to pinpoint and summarize its important elements. Today we are doing this work personally, but beginning tomorrow we will be comparing ideas, followed by a discernment and choices on the group level and then in the assembly.

The Work Instrument, said Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, President of the Chapter, “is the fruit of a synodal journey that involved the whole Congregation–a journey that was desired and also requested by our circumscription superiors during the Interchapter Meeting.” From our work on this text, which will set the rhythm of this whole week, will emerge the guidelines for our journey over the next six years. It is not a matter of planning things in detail, which will be done on the local level by each circumscription. It is up to us to focus on global perspectives, aware that the document we produce will not be exhaustive. Instead, it will highlight urgent and emerging realities on which to converge and invest the best of our energies.

In fact, the journey we will begin at the end of the Chapter with the Final Document in hand will be a process that will trigger further journeys. But to reach that point, we know that today each one of us, as a component of this special Assembly, is asked to cultivate broad horizons in our hearts, concreteness and pro-active realism in our analyses, and farsightedness in our choices.

Will we succeed? At the moment our legs are trembling and our hearts are in overdrive. We are well aware of the responsibility we bear, but at the same time we know that we are supported by the One who calls us and sends us forth. Please remember us in your prayers. We are counting on them!

See you tomorrow! #staytune #capitolo_ON #restiamoconnessi

Ariccia, 23 September 2019

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