
Alzati, mettiti in cammino. ♫♪
Alzati, mettiti in cammino. ♪♫♪ ...

Music of the 11th General Chapter


Our very DNA contains a compelling missionary audacity; we were born of the Word so as to proclaim ...

Theme of the 11th General Chapter

“Arise, go on your journey” (Dt. 10:11)
trusting in the Promise

Our very DNA contains a compelling missionary audacity; we were born of the Word so as to proclaim and point out to everyone “the luminous way of life,” which is the Gospel of Christ Jesus.

But what does God want to do with us today?  Where does the Spirit, the true Protagonist of our mission, want to lead us? How should we manifest Pauline prophecy in response to the appeals the Lord is making to us in this hour of the world’s history? How should we recommence our journey, trusting in the promise of fidelity, grace and fruitfulness that Fr. Alberione received in a “dream” and that to- day still nourishes our own dream to accomplish something new?

In the light of the specific historical reality in which we live, the Master’s reassurance:  “Do not be afraid; I am with you,” can help us continue our journey by inviting us to look at our smallness and poverty as an asset–a favorable condition  for collaborating  with the mission of the Spirit by means of our particular gift.

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The Logo

The colored spiral, with its graphic swirls symbolizing openness ...

The Logo for the 11th General Chapter

The colored spiral, with its graphic swirls symbolizing openness and harmonious depth, represents the all-encompassing and transforming action of the Holy Spirit, whose life-giving breath recreates everything.

From the embrace of the Spirit, the revealer of God’s fidelity, the decisive word Arise springs forth: an invitation to relaunch our life toward new missionary and prophetic vitality.

In continuity with the Congregation’s journey, the colors of the spiral underscore the wide variety of the members of the Institute, as well as the universality of the Pauline charism.









Ariccia Casa Divin Maestro

Chapter Indicator

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