Thank You!
Thank you! This is what we want to say to you today, especially on behalf of the sisters on the editorial team. Yesterday we asked you to pray abundantly for their labors and we are certain that this united you even more closely to us and to the work we are doing. Many of you have expressed your closeness to us, but we are sure that in the eyes of the Lord we are all a single “team.”
The days are racing toward the end and in this time, in meeting after meeting as an Assembly, we are busy choosing, optimizing and pinpointing the texts that, once approved, will become the document that provides our Institute with guidelines for the next six years. The Assembly is laden with work, especially with regard to certain subjects, and these cases our exchanges of ideas are intense and passionate. Our fundamental desire is to give a decisive thrust toward a communion and a fraternity that is more concretely based on the Gospel, and, therefore, capable of enabling us to get up once again and explore together new apostolic paths, new style of proclamation and sharing, so as to carry out a mission that is increasingly challenging and challenged by the historical period in which we live.
In all this circulation and comparison of ideas, we want to say a special thanks to Sr. Anna Caiazza and Sr. Leonora Wilson, the moderators of the Chapter Assembly. Together with Chapter president Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, they allow themselves to be challenged again and again by the suggestions proferred, while at the same time reminding us firmly of the objective toward which we need to converge.
See you tomorrow!#staytune #capitolo_ON #restiamoconnessi
Ariccia, 27 September 2019