In these days, we travelled from place to place…encountered new situations…made new discoveries… inundated by a myriad of information, projects, dreams, faces, stories….
But in the end it is essential to call a halt in order to reconsider things in a new light and better grasp the important elements and questions that emerged in this time, so that each one can ask herself what she feels is important, what should not be overlooked, what deserves our attention, what requires clarification and a comparison of ideas. That is what we did today.
We dedicated time on the personal level to pinpointing and re-examining the input that touched us most deeply. Why? Because our next task will be to pool our ideas on the group level.
At this moment, we are called to discern and choose, from among the many things fermenting in us, one item that we feel is important, indeed indispensable, and share it with the others. And then? What happens after that?
We’ll let you know tomorrow. We’ll be waiting for you, so stay tuned! #staytune #capitolo_ON #restiamoconnessi
Ariccia, 19 September 2019