Message to the Chapter Delegates

Let us thank the Lord for the wealth of gifts he has poured out upon us in these years and ask his Spirit to help us trust in his Promise so as to respond with openness and initiative to the plans of God.

Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan

Mary Sebastian

India |

Dear Sr. Anna Caiazza,
Hearty Congratulations, Best Wishes & Prayers. Praying for you very specially as you take up this great responsibility for the Congregation.
Sr. Mary Sebastian
Bangalore, India

Daughters of St. Paul, Secunderabad

India |

Dear Sr. Anna Caiazza,

Hearty Congratulations to you on being elected the Superior General of our Congregation.
In prayerful support,

Srs. Rosaria, Claudette, Francesca, Magdalene, Clare CL, Aminah
Secunderabad – India

Daughters of St. Paul, Secunderabad

Praxides Nafula

Kenya |

It is with great joy that we receive the news of the election of Sr Anna Caiazza as our new Superior General. Congratulations dear Sr. Anna. May God guide you in this great responsibility, may the Holy Spirit we have been invoking continue to illumine your path for your good and the good of each sister of our congregation. Be assured of our prayers.
With love and prayers,

Sr Praxides Nafula

paulina grandi

Brazil |

Querida Ir. Ana Caiazza,
Fiquei alegre porque foi a senhora, a escolhida para orientar nossa congregação, nos próximos seis anos. Na Eucaristia desta manhã, pedi ao Senhor que a conduza em seus caminhos e que nossa Mãe, Mestra e Rainha dos Apóstolos a tenha sempre sob sua proteção e guia. Conte com minhas preces e adesão.
Meu abraço carinhoso e agradecido pelo seu “SIM’ a Deus.

paulina grandi

Piera Cattaneo

France |

grazie Annamaria per tutto cio che hai fatto con e per noi tutte. Ora ringrazio pure Anna che ha accettato di assumere questo lourd impegno. Coraggio, abbandono e fiducia il Colui che ti ha chiamata. Siamo con te

Piera Cattaneo fsp

FSP-ILOILO (Philippines)

Philippines |

CONGRATULATIONS to our new Superior General SR ANNA CAIAZZA!

We accompany you with our prayers as you assume this delicate task of governing the congregation of the Daughters of St Paul. Thank you, too for your openness to the promptings of the Spirit and for your availability.
Love and prayers,
Srs Serafina, Margherita and Gina

FSP-ILOILO (Philippines)

Sr Celine Sebastian

India |

Dear Sr Anna Caiazza,
Hearty congratulations and best wishes from the community of Goa, India!

As you receive this great mandate from the Lord we accompany you with our prayers and affection. From the day one you assume your office may you feel the ‘Embrace of the Spirit” guiding you leading you so as to take our congregation to the heights realizing the dream ” Arise , and go your journey, trusting in his promise”.

United in Pauline ideal
Sisters of Goa community India

Sr Celine Sebastian

fr. Angelo Gagliano

Italy |

Carissime sorelle Figlie di San Paolo, auguri per la nuova Superiora Generale. Alla Superiora Generale le auguro tanto bene e che possa fare il suo mandato con profitto e tanta lungimiranza. Il Maestro Gesù le conceda tutte quelle grazie che il suo mandato richiede. Con affetto e stima saluto. fr. Angelo Gagliano

fr. Angelo Gagliano

Comunitá di Düsseldorf

Germany |

il fumo bianco é arrivato a Düsseldorf e… ci ha comunicato la bella notizia della tua elezione!!!
Da noi tutte congratulazioni e la promessa di accompagnarti con la preghiera e l’affetto.
Noi della Comunitá di Düsseldorf

Vimala Savarimuthu

India |

Our prayers are with you all dear Sisters.

Vimala Savarimuthu

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