Mensajes a las hermanas capitulares

Damos gracias al Señor, por la abundancia de dones que nos ha dado en estos años e invocamos su Espíritu para que podamos confiar en la “Promesa” y responder con apertura e ímpetu a los diseños de Dios.

Hna. Anna Maria Parenzan

Argelia Chi Bracamontes

Mexico |

Me uno en espíritu y oración con todas, con los mejores deseos de bien y de bendiciones abundantes para que el Espíritu de Dios sea su guía en este acontecimiento de nuestra Congregación.
Abrazos para cada una!

Argelia Chi Bracamontes

Sisters of the Australian Delegation

Australia |

To all of you participating in our 11th General Chapter,
We thank you for taking on this very important task on our behalf and we assure you of our continued prayer for an abundance of Grace from Holy Spirit and a fruitful outcome to the Chapter.
From all of us here in Australia.

Sisters of the Australian Delegation

Vimala Savarimuthu

India |

Dear Sisters,

As we begin the General Chapter we as a community pray for you all. May the spirit of the Lord be with you all to guide you and direct you. May Mother mary intercede for us and grant us the grace to make effective and practical decisions to proclaim Her Son’s Good News in the contemporary world in an effective way.

With much prayers and wishes,
Sr. Vimala & Community, trichy

Vimala Savarimuthu

Perona Sr Franca M.

Italy |

Carissime sorelle, grazia e luce!
In questi santi giorni di preghiera,invochiamo pe voi la sapienza di cui parla Paolo ai Colossesi:
Che lo Spirito Santo ci renda capaci di accogliere nel profondo del cuore il Suo infinito Amore per ognuna di noi e per il mondo in cui viviamo. Gioia e amore in Gesù. Sr Franca M. Perona fsp

Perona Sr Franca M.

Sr Catherine Bennett

Canada |

Dear Sisters,
As this important moment in the life of our Congregation begins, I want to assure you of our prayers. We accompany you in these days and ask that the light of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of our Founders and Pauline saints in heaven guide you in your discernments and deliberations in the days ahead.
Sr Catherine and the sisters of the Toronto community

Sr Catherine Bennett

Ir.Maria Ema Tomasi

Brazil |

Nossa comunidade de Manaus (Amazônia, Brasil) está presente a este capitulo, com nossas orações, partilhando alegrias, desafios, preocupações e lindos projetos para toda a Congregação. O Espírito Santo está presente em cada uma. Nosso abraço de comunhão.

Ir.Maria Ema Tomasi

mariuccia pezzini

Ghana |

Carissima Sr Anna Maria e sorelle capitolari,
siamo unite a voi con la nostra preghiera al Maestro Divino affinché vi accompagni e guidi in questo tempo di discernimento.
Auguri di bene.
sr Mariuccia e sorelle – West Africa Delegation

mariuccia pezzini

Ir. Rosinha Megdessian, fsp

Brazil |

Irmãs Capitulares,
Saudações à cada uma de vocês.
O Espírito Santo se faz presente.
Está em cada uma de nós.
Na força da oração, com certeza; a luz de Deus é será o nosso guia.
Graça e paz.

Ir. Rosinha Megdessian, fsp

Community of Bandra, Mumbai India

India |

Dear Sr Anna Maria and All the Chapter Delegates,
We wish each one of you an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are praying for you. Be assured of our prayers, so that you enjoy good health of mind, body and spirit each and everyday. Especially as you begin your Spiritual Exercises (Retreat) on 6th , we pray that you enter deep into the life of the Spirit in these coming days.
God bless you,
Love and affection,
From each and every member of the Bandra community – we are 43 of us. Each one has a name each of the delegates, which we distributed and we are praying for you especially.

Loving greetings from the formation house too… they too are praying for you.

Sr Mary Joseph and the Commmunity of Bandra, Mumbai INDIA.


Joeyanna D’Souza

India |

Dear Sr Anna Maria and all the Chapter Delegates,
I take this opportunity to wish each one of you an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Here in our Bandra Community, andFormation House, each one has a name of a Chapter delegate, to pray for in a special way through the coming days till 5th October. So you can be assured of the Spirit’s guidance.
May God bless each one ofyou.
Joeyanna fsp, Bandra, Mumbai, India.

Joeyanna D’Souza

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