Messaggi alle sorelle capitolari

Rendiamo grazie al Signore per l’abbondanza dei doni che ci ha elargiti in questi anni
e invochiamo il suo Spirito perché possiamo confidare nella “Promessa”
e rispondere con apertura e slancio ai disegni di Dio.

sr Anna Maria Parenzan

Linda Fwika

Congo – Kinshasa |

Chères sœurs,
Que l’Esprit du Seigneur vous comble de ses dons en ce temps de grâce et historique de notre Congrégation. Union de prière

Linda Fwika

Sr. Brid Geraghty


Dearest Sisters,
We are united in prayer with you as you gather at your General Chapter.
May the abundance of the Holy Spirit be with each one of you as you work , pray and discern together to see how to live the charism of Blessed James Alberione in the world today and ensure that the Good News of God’s love and mercy reach every person!
Wishing you a fruitful and joyful experience.
Prayers and best wishes.
Sr. M. Brid Geraghty and the PDDM Sisters of the Irish Delegation.

Sr. Brid Geraghty

Sr Linda Ledesma


Dear Sisters,
We are one with you in spirit, and in our prayers for God’s Holy Spirit to truly be with you as you start your particular journey during the General Chapter. May your difficult tasks ahead be guided by the lord’s goodness, his understanding and his light and most of all by his love! Do not stress too much, the Lord is with you!

With our love and prayers,
Linda and Sisters

Sr Linda Ledesma

Pinky Barrientos


Dear Sisters,

We are united with you in prayer as you gather to take part in this important event in the life of the congregation and of the ecclesial Church. We entrust the fruitfulness of the Chapter to the Holy Spirit who will accompany, guide and lead you towards the goal God wants you to achieve for the good of the congregation and of the Church. May the Holy Spirit’s gifts of wisdom, counsel and understanding permeate your entire being as you make your deliberations on the various realities confronting our congregation at this point the world’s history.

From the Provincial Council and Sisters of the Philippines-Malaysia-Papua New Guinea-Thailand (PMPT) Province

Pinky Barrientos



Preghiamo e auguriamo ogni bene LO SPIRITO DEL SIGNORE vi accompagni in questi giorni di GRAZIA . Saluti cari sr. Virginia e sorelle della comunità COMENSE. ITALY




Carissime sorelle,
Siamo con voi nella preghiera in questa momento importante nella nostra congregazione. Veramente vi terremo nelle nostre preghiere.
Communita di Dar-Es -Salaam Tanzania




Carissime sorelle,
Siamo con voi nella preghiera in questa momento importante nella nostra congregazione. Veramente vi terremo nelle nostre preghiere.
Communita di Dar-Es -Salaam Tanzania


Anna Yap


Dear Sr Anna Maria and Delegates,
Rest assured of my prayers for you all in this time of grace. May you be open to the promptings of the Spirit and hear what He has to say for the important task ahead of you. God bless you.

Anna Yap

FSP-Tacloban Philippines


Dear Sisters,

Remembering all of you in all our prayers and sacrifices
for a spirit-filled General Chapter.

Sr. Gemma, Sr. Praxedes and Sr. Cristina

FSP-Tacloban Philippines

Sr. Teresita Espina, FSP and CDO Community


The Community of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines accompanies each capitular with their prayers and sacrifices. May each one continue to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in all the deliberations of the 11th General Chapter.

Sr. Teresita C. Espina, FSP

Sr. Teresita Espina, FSP and CDO Community

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